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1 Translation result for well-adjusted in Spanish


well-adjusted adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
(figurado) equilibrado

adjust verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
adjusted, has adjusted, is adjusting, adjusts
ajustar, arreglar, regular

Example sentences of
adjust verb

  • She adjusted the car seat so she could reach the pedals.
  • I adjusted the volume on the radio.
  • Going to a new school can be difficult, but the kids will eventually adjust.
  • It's hard to adjust myself to the idea that she's gone.
  • He makes less money now, when you adjust for inflation, than he did 10 years ago.
Remember this?
gain traction
perder dinero
ganar tiempo
ganar terreno
perder recursos
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Reverse translation for well-adjusted

equilibrado  (figurado)